A destilaria alemã V- SINNE enviou seus prestigiados gins ao nosso estúdio no Brasil para a execução de um projeto fotográfico de alta qualidade.
Durante essa colaboração, exploramos dois estilos distintos de fotografia.
Na primeira abordagem, optamos por uma perspectiva mais lúdica e artística, pintando o fundo e as peças de madeira para compor um cenário que transcende a mera representação visual, conferindo um caráter único e expressivo às imagens.
Esta abordagem criativa visa não apenas destacar o produto, mas também criar uma narrativa visual envolvente.
Na segunda parte do projeto, adotamos um estilo color block, cuidadosamente elaborado para harmonizar com as tonalidades da própria garrafa. Esta escolha estética visa realçar a beleza intrínseca do produto, proporcionando uma experiência visual marcante e elegante para o espectador. A busca pela perfeita combinação de cores e formas reflete a meticulosidade e a atenção aos detalhes que caracterizam tanto a destilaria quanto nosso compromisso com a qualidade visual.
Destacamos, ainda, a singularidade do gin Alchemist, cuja magia vai além do paladar. Sua capacidade de transformar-se de azul para roxo ao entrar em contato com a água tônica adiciona um elemento fascinante e misterioso à experiência sensorial.
The German distillery V-SINNE sent its prestigious gins to our studio in Brazil to carry out a high-quality photography project.
During this collaboration, we explored two distinct styles of photography.
In the first approach, we opted for a more playful and artistic perspective, painting the background and wooden pieces to compose a scene that transcends mere visual representation, giving a unique and expressive character to the images.
This creative approach aims to not only highlight the product but also create an engaging visual narrative.
In the second part of the project, we adopted a color block style, carefully designed to harmonize with the tones of the bottle itself. This aesthetic choice aims to highlight the intrinsic beauty of the product, providing a striking and elegant visual experience for the viewer. The search for the perfect combination of colors and shapes reflects the meticulousness and attention to detail that characterize both the distillery and our commitment to visual quality.
We also highlight the uniqueness of Alchemist gin, whose magic goes beyond taste. Its ability to transform from blue to purple upon contact with tonic water adds a fascinating and mysterious element to the sensory experience.
During this collaboration, we explored two distinct styles of photography.
In the first approach, we opted for a more playful and artistic perspective, painting the background and wooden pieces to compose a scene that transcends mere visual representation, giving a unique and expressive character to the images.
This creative approach aims to not only highlight the product but also create an engaging visual narrative.
In the second part of the project, we adopted a color block style, carefully designed to harmonize with the tones of the bottle itself. This aesthetic choice aims to highlight the intrinsic beauty of the product, providing a striking and elegant visual experience for the viewer. The search for the perfect combination of colors and shapes reflects the meticulousness and attention to detail that characterize both the distillery and our commitment to visual quality.
We also highlight the uniqueness of Alchemist gin, whose magic goes beyond taste. Its ability to transform from blue to purple upon contact with tonic water adds a fascinating and mysterious element to the sensory experience.
Client: Gin V-SINNE
Photography: Studio Pop Up
Art direction: Thaís Caroline